
The Democratic Party deepfaked its own chairman to highlight 2020 concerns

Tomorrow's bionic eyes will have 'Predator' vision

Teen Security Researcher Suspended for Exposing Vulnerabilities in His School’s Software

Comcast Wireless Joins Verizon In Charging You More For HD Video

Senator Wyden to AT&T and T-Mobile: You Don’t Need to Store So Much Customer Data - Wyden sent letters to AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon and Sprint urging them to reduce the time that they retain sensitive customer data.

Wyden at DEF CON: Mitch McConnell Wants Foreign Hackers to Help Republicans Win Elections

Hackers Take on Darpa's $10 Million Voting Machine

Victory! Lawsuit May Proceed Against Facebook’s Biometric Surveillance

Twitter backs down, allows McConnell to post video of protestor threats - Twitter has struggled to develop consistent moderation policies.

A Teen Hacker Found Bugs in School Software That Affects Millions

Ajit Pai loses another court case as judges overturn 5G deregulation.