
Pseudoscience is taking over social media and putting us all at risk - Conspiracy theories are drowning out legitimate facts which could negatively impact human behaviour in the future

'The Blowjob Paper:' Scientists Processed 109 Hours of Oral Sex to Develop an AI that Sucks Dick

Russia 'secretly' shuts down mobile Internet to frustrate Moscow protesters: report.

Report: Apple has activated software locks on iPhone batteries to discourage third-party repairs.

Elizabeth Warren Promises to Kill State Laws That Ban Locally-Owned ISPs - 26 states have passed protectionist laws preventing your town or city from building its own broadband network.

America has a terrible digital divide. Elizabeth Warren has a plan for that too. Warren introduced a plan that would allocate $85 billion in federal funds toward developing broadband networks.

8chan Owner Called Before Congress, as Latest Host Drops Site

Wikipedia picture of the day on August 8, 2019: Atrium of...

Hong Kong activists use Pokemon Go and Tinder to organize as police crack down on ongoing protests

A Mexican Physicist Solved a 2,000-Year Old Problem That Will Lead to Cheaper, Sharper Lenses

Warren pledges to restore net neutrality if elected