
Millions of Books Are Secretly in the Public Domain. You Can Download Them Free

Yelp is Screwing Over Restaurants By Quietly Replacing Their Phone Numbers

Office 365 declared illegal for German schools. American cloud providers do not comply with strict German privacy protection laws and must not be used by German schools.

Facebook has been accused of failing to shut down groups incentivizing people to write fake Amazon reviews

Hyundai’s first car with a solar roof is available in Korea

The FTC Should Fine Itself for False Advertising for Promising You $125 From Equifax - Consumer groups say the FTC engaged in the same false and deceptive behavior it’s supposed to police.

AT&T employees took bribes to plant malware on the company's network

Oversight Report Shows The NSA Did Not Delete All The Inadvertently-Collected Phone Records It Claimed It Had Deleted

Amazon is encouraging third-party sellers to raise prices on Walmart or risk losing perks - The company’s price alert system may be found anti-competitive

Electric car price tag shrinks along with battery cost

8chan goes dark after hardware provider discontinues service