
Cloudflare to revoke 8chan’s service, opening the fringe website up for DDoS attacks

Cloudflare to terminate service for 8Chan

This Russian startup wants to put huge ads in space. Not everyone is on board with the idea.

YouTube's Plan To Rein In Conspiracy Theories Is Failing

8chan Is a Megaphone for Shooters. ‘Shut the Site Down,’ Says Its Creator.

Innocence lost: what did you do before the internet? People born in the late 1970s are the last to have grown up without the internet. Social scientists call them the Last of the Innocents.

The Trump Administration Is Using the Full Power of the U.S. Surveillance State Against Whistleblowers

French inventor successfully crossed the English Channel on a hoverboard

Barr says the US needs encryption backdoors to prevent “going dark.” Um, what?

Apple and Google should be ashamed of their part in an insidious Saudi Arabian app that even the Saudi government now admits has to change

Facebook hit with new questions over Cambridge Analytica