
FCC finally orders ISPs to say exactly where they offer broadband - ISPs will have to submit geospatial maps of broadband service areas.

The FDA Has Finally Approved the Impossible Burger to Be Sold at Grocery Stores

World’s Deepest Wind Energy Farm of Its Kind Pushes Renewables Even Further

Google parent Alphabet overtakes Apple to become world's most cash-rich company

FBI says “extremists” motivated by Pizzagate, QAnon are threats - For extremists, the Internet's craziest conspiracies inspire deadly violence.

Valve proposes game-friendly changes to the Linux kernel

82% of People Say They Connect to Any Free WiFi That’s Available in a Public Place

A newly discovered hacking group is targeting energy and telecoms companies

Americans Are Making Phone Farms to Scam Free Money From Advertisers

Hacked Emails Show GOP Demands on Border Security Were Crafted by Industry Lobbyists

Capital One breach also hit other major companies, say researchers