
Amazon turned a man down for a job but continued to use his photograph as an advertisement for the top talent that it's looking for

Capital One found out about its 106-million-customer data breach only because a member of the public emailed it a tip

New bill would ban autoplay videos and endless scrolling - Taking aim at ‘features that are designed to be addictive’

Capital One’s breach was inevitable, because we did nothing after Equifax

'Dehumanising, impenetrable, frustrating': the grim reality of job hunting in the age of AI

Sites could be liable for helping Facebook secretly track your web browsing, says EU court

NASA seeks to break the “tyranny of launch” with in-space manufacturing

Massive data breach hits Capital One affecting more than 100 million customers

Apple contractors 'regularly hear confidential details' on Siri recordings

Soon you’ll be able to watch PBS on YouTube

Wikipedia picture of the day on July 30, 2019: Yazd Atash Behram...