
Robotic contact lens that allows users to zoom in by blinking eyes revealed by scientists

Why we should be very scared by the intrusive menace of facial recognition - When even Microsoft starts calling for government regulation, you know the technology is a problem

Fossil fuel vehicles hitting a dead end in Europe’s city centers

Ohio just passed the worst energy bill of the 21st century - A corrupt bailout for dinosaur power plants that screws renewable energy in the process.

People forged judges’ signatures to trick Google into changing results | Ars Technica

Germany's powerful IG Metall trade union is organizing Youtubers to force Google to play fair

Mozilla Firefox Could Soon Get a “Tor Mode” Add-on

Google Works on AI With Top Chinese University That Has Ties to Chinese Military

GitHub is reportedly blocking access to its site for users in places like Crimea and Iran, which are under US sanctions

Amazon Requires Police to Shill Surveillance Cameras in Secret Agreement

America is drowning in garbage. Now robots are being put on duty to help solve the recycling crisis