
The T-Mobile-Sprint merger could mean the end of the physical SIM card - The DOJ is requiring T-Mobile and Dish to support eSIM

New cause of cell aging discovered: Findings have huge implications for cancer and age-related health conditions

Wikipedia picture of the day on July 28, 2019: Roof above the...

The Strange Afterlife Of Cambridge Analytica And The Mysterious Fate Of Its Data | As The U.S. Announces A Lawsuit Against Cambridge Analytica, The Mercer-Controlled Emerdata Discloses That It Now Owns The Disgraced Trump Data Firm And Its Parent Company.

GitHub banned all Iranian users. Our accounts are restricted now. Please help us with contributing to this repo and show your support with a pull request. Thanks.

Study will test CRISPR gene editing inside the body for first time - Experimental treatment will use technique to replace a gene they lack

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Girls are bearing the brunt of a rise in US cyberbullying

The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data

A light sentence for a famous hacker has actually made the world safer

Siri recordings ‘regularly’ sent to Apple contractors for analysis, claims whistleblower