
The ‘Storm Area 51’ Event Has Turned Into a Marketing Stunt - The Facebook meme event has become a really good way of selling alien-themed merch.

Equifax to pay up to $700M in data breach settlement

Leaked documents show Huawei helped North Korea build wireless network.

Google Finds Cheap Way Out of Multibillion-Dollar ‘Wi-Spy’ Suit

These technologists think the internet is broken. So they're building another one | Mark Nadal is one of a growing number of technologists trying to right what they see as the wrongs of the internet by building a new one around decentralization.

Elon Musk promises longer, curved tunnel for future Hyperloop contests

Body-worn cameras to be compulsory for bailiffs

Silent, no gears and cheaper every day: electric cars aren't so hard to get used to. An EV test drive reveals they’re not so radically different – except for the sense of future-proofing

What are click farms? A shadowy internet industry is booming in China

An entire nation just got hacked. In a country of just 7 million people (Bulgaria) , the scale of the hack means that just about every working adult has been affected.

A US Navy ship used a new drone-defense system to take down an Iranian drone - The first-known ‘kill’ by an energy weapon