
Spotify, YouTube, and others get reimagined as retro anime tech

Facial recognition bolstered by mass database scraping, but not from Apple

Craigslist's Craig Newmark: 'Outrage is profitable. Most online outrage is faked for profit'

Huawei will reportedly lay off hundreds of US workers

EU's GPS satellites have been down for four days in mysterious outage

Wikipedia picture of the day on July 15, 2019: NASA’s...

America is building another big wall. This one will protect New York

'Just a matter of when': the $20bn plan to power Singapore with Australian solar - Ambitious export plan could generate billions and make Australia the centre of low-cost energy in a future zero-carbon world

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

German privacy commissioners ban Windows 10 and Office 365 in schools

Boeing’s 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers