
Facebook will reportedly be fined a record $5 billion over privacy mishaps

Google Very Angry After Contractor Leaks Over a Thousand Assistant Recordings

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

This Is Palantir’s Top-Secret User Manual for Cops: Motherboard obtained a Palantir user manual through a public records request, and it gives unprecedented insight into how the company logs and tracks individuals.

google is under fire after a report found that google home and google assistant records user audio, even when no wake-up word is used.

FCC boosts broadband competition by, er, banning broadband competition in buildings - George Orwell's got nothing on this lot with doublespeak

Google as a landlord? A looming feudal nightmare - To fight a housing crunch of their own creation, tech companies are planning company towns worthy of Gilded Age robber barons

Google's Dead Wrong If It Thinks Broadband Caps Won't Hurt Game Streaming

Giant batteries and cheap solar power are shoving fossil fuels off the grid

Protesters demand Amazon break ties with Ice and Homeland Security

Google admits workers listen to private recordings from around your house