
Google admits workers listen to private recordings from around your house

Google admits partners leaked more than 1,000 private conversations with Google Assistant

US charges Chinese software engineer Xudong Yao with stealing trade secrets from former American employer

“This is crazy”: FCC kills part of San Francisco’s broadband-competition law

Industry Leaders Paint a Dark Picture of the “Right to Repair” Law - Consumer security experts across the globe have come together calling for economic justice for consumers safeguarding their right to choose repair sources. The bill is devised to put an end to the monopoly of technology giants.

Google admits workers listen to private audio recordings from Google Home Smart Speakers.

Twitter Goes Down During White House Social Media Summit

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Voting Machine Makers Claim The Names Of The Entities That Own Them Are Trade Secrets

“Mozilla aren’t villains after all” – ISPs back down after public outcry

Amazon is coming under fire for 'deceptive' ratings and reviews on its website, and lawmakers are now demanding answers