
Waymo can now shuttle passengers in its self-driving cars in California

Some of Amazon and Google's biggest rivals tell the government they're ready to assist antitrust probes

We don’t allow people to sell their kidneys. We shouldn’t let them sell the details of their lives, either.

Foxconn exec complains about not being able to change Wisconsin plans whenever it wants

Privacy-first browsers look to take the shine off Google's Chrome

7-Eleven Japan shut down a mobile payments app after only two days because hackers exploited a simple security flaw and customers lost over $500,000

LA’s earthquake warning system worked — just not how people expected

Nikola Tesla documents released by the FBI

Top VPNs secretly owned by Chinese firms

5G doesn't just need to be fast – it needs to be free

Safer Nuclear Reactors Are on the Way - Resilient fuels and innovative reactors could enable a resurgence of nuclear power