
Android co-founder Andy Rubin accused of cheating wife out of fortune while running a sex ring

I Opted Out of Facial Recognition at the Airport—It Wasn't Easy

Thumbs Down to Facebook’s Cryptocurrency — Only a fool would trust Facebook with his or her financial wellbeing. But maybe that’s the point: with so much personal data on some 2.4 billion monthly active users, who knows better than Facebook just how many suckers are born every minute?

Frontier customer bought his own router—but has to pay $10 rental fee anyway

'The Definition of Corruption': Warren Calls Out FCC Advisory Committee Overrun by Corporate Suits

TikTok under investigation over child data use

University of Chicago Medical Center selling private patient information to Google without patients' consent

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

It’s not that we’ve failed to rein in Facebook and Google. We’ve not even tried | Shoshana Zuboff | Opinion

We’ve already built too many power plants and cars to prevent 1.5 ˚C of warming

China Is Forcing Tourists to Install Text-Stealing Malware at its Border - VICE