
Elon Musk's personal fortune is shifting away from Tesla and toward SpaceX - SpaceX now makes up two-thirds of his wealth, with Tesla accounting for most of the remaining third

House Robocall Bill Now Favors Criminal Charges for Offenders, May Target Debt Collectors Soon

Robots 'to replace up to 20 million factory jobs' by 2030

San Francisco becomes first US city to ban sale of e-cigarettes

Reddit suspends Project Veritas after the release of Google whistleblower report.

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 26, 2019: Desna river,...

Tesla hit with $2B lawsuit for allegedly violating patents

FTC, Law Enforcement Partners Announce New Crackdown on Illegal Robocalls

Elizabeth Warren Wants to Replace Every Single Voting Machine to Make Elections 'As Secure As Fort Knox'

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

SpaceX launches Falcon Heavy rocket with 24 satellites