
Best Buy embarks on packaging diet to deal with glut of cardboard boxes

Electric powered planes planned to be in commercial service by 2022

Amazon gets U.S. patent to use delivery drones for surveillance service

US blacklists five more Chinese tech companies

JPL files stolen by hackers using credit card-size computer, NASA says

Walmart uses AI cameras to spot thieves - US supermarket giant Walmart has confirmed it uses image recognition cameras at checkouts to detect theft

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Bill Gates and Big Oil back this company that’s trying to solve climate change by sucking CO2 out of the air

Norway Announces Plan To Cut Emissions From Ships 50% By 2030

X-Prize winner: Children are not a product - The winner of Elon Musk's global learning X-Prize award says children should not become the "product" of large data-gathering companies.

Amazon gets U.S. patent to use delivery drones for surveillance service