
Amazon gets U.S. patent to use delivery drones for surveillance service

Google’s immense power threatens the open Internet

Report: Intel will cut desktop CPU prices by 10-15% as Ryzen 3000 draws near

Bitcoin rises above $10,000 for the first time in a year

Google Chrome has become surveillance software. It’s time to switch.

AI Can Now Detect Deepfakes by Looking for Weird Facial Movements - Machines can now look for visual inconsistencies to identify AI-generated dupes, a lot like humans do.

Ex-Telecom CEO and Ajit Pai Adviser Sentenced to Five Years for Fraud Totaling $270 Million

You don’t trust Facebook to protect your privacy. Why trust it as a banker?

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Prisons Are Banning Books That Teach Prisoners How to Code - Oregon prisons have banned dozens of books about technology and programming, like 'Microsoft Excel 2016 for Dummies,' citing security reasons. The state isn't alone.

Debunked: The absurd story about smartphones causing kids to sprout horns