
Hospitals are being suffocated by robocalls

Ajit Pai Is Still Withholding Facts About Location-Data Abuse From Fellow Commissioners

Facebook moderators break their NDAs to expose desperate working conditions

Ubuntu to kill i386 support starting in 19.10: yes, this means support for running old 32bit binaries, not just 32bit OS installs!

The US government has leaked the names of child abuse victims by failing to hide Facebook account IDs in court documents

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 20, 2019: British Columbia...

Ajit Pai Is Still Withholding Facts About Abuse of Location Data From Fellow Commissioners

Massachusetts Can Become a National Leader to Stop Face Surveillance

YouTube under federal investigation over allegations it violates children’s privacy

EA: They’re not loot boxes, they’re “surprise mechanics,” and they’re “quite ethical”

Facebook content moderators break NDAs to expose shocking working conditions involving gruesome videos and feces smeared on walls