
Facebook content moderators break NDAs to expose shocking working conditions involving gruesome videos and feces smeared on walls

Top Democrat calls for strict oversight on Facebook’s new cryptocurrency: ‘Facebook is already too big and too powerful,’ Sen. Sherrod Brown said

A Senator is introducing a bill that would blow up the business models for Facebook, YouTube, and other tech giants

Facebook and YouTube could be held responsible for the toxic swamp of content on their platforms under an explosive new bill

Facebook moderators break their NDAs to expose desperate working conditions

AT&T Lays Off Thousands After Nabbing Billions In Tax Breaks And Regulatory Favors

The Reasons why DJI isn't Releasing a Flagship Drone in 2019

Delicious irony: Hacked medical debt collector AMCA files for bankruptcy protection from debt collectors - The tables are turned, database tables that is

Should big tech companies be made to pay the tax they owe?

In 2013 it cost $330,000 to grow a hamburger in the lab. They're soon expected to sell for $11.

Many health and wellness apps haven't done research to back up claims