
Move Over, Impossible Burger: Lab-Grown Meat Will Overtake Plants by 2040

Ajit Pai says NOAA and NASA are wrong about 5G harming weather forecasts | Pai tells Congress that NOAA warnings are based on bad data.

Google Stadia Is About To Show Everyone Why Broadband Usage Caps Are Bullshit

Credit Scores Could Soon Get Even Creepier and More Biased - Credit scores based on AI and non-traditional data such as your social media profile could usher in a whole new way for banks to discriminate.

Elon Musk says Tesla has a design ready for a James Bond-style submarine car

Laser Destroys Cancer Cells Circulating in the Blood

Huawei Started Serving Ads on Phone Lock Screens Without Asking Users' Permission

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 14, 2019: Balkan fritillary...

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

"We Read 150 Privacy Policies. They Were an Incomprehensible Disaster."

Telegram CEO: China disrupted the app to sabotage Hong Kong protesters