
This History Teacher Had His Educational YouTube Channel Banned For Hosting "Hate Speech"

Microsoft discreetly wiped its massive facial recognition database

DARPA’s New Project Is Investing Millions in Brain-Machine Interface Tech

'Surveillance capitalism': critic urges Toronto to abandon smart city project - Project with Google’s Sidewalk Labs comes under increasing scrutiny amid concerns over privacy and data harvesting

Apple strips clips of WWDC devs booing that $999 monitor stand from the web using copyright claims. Fear not, you can listen again here... YouTube happy to spare iGiant embarrassment but won't take down 'slur' vids

Jeff Bezos controls telerobot hands, calls the experience "Weirdly natural"

Malware spotted doing unspeakable, filthy things to infected Macs – injecting Bing results into Google searches

Tacoma-based Snopes, debunker of fake news, is locked in a nasty legal dispute

Boston Dynamics prepares to launch its first commercial robot: Spot

YouTube finally banned content from neo-Nazis, Holocaust deniers, and Sandy Hook skeptics

Modern Manufacturing Has Made It Nearly Impossible to Spot a Fake Rolex