
YouTube just banned supremacist content, and thousands of channels are about to be removed

Even the NSA is urging Windows users to patch BlueKeep (CVE-2019-0708)

US visa applicants must soon submit social media accounts including Flickr, Instagram

Developers sue Apple over App Store 'monopoly'

IBM accused of pumping staff retirement funds into a tanking stock... IBM's to be exact

'Iron Man' actor Robert Downey Jr. has vowed to use robotics and AI to significantly clean up the Earth in the next decade

Ajit Pai works to cap funding for rural and poor people, gets GOP backing

KLM Airlines wants to help build a more efficient jet with in-wing seating

New York State Is Pushing ‘One of the Strictest’ Privacy Bills in the Nation

30 Years Since Tiananmen Square: The State of Chinese Censorship and Digital Surveillance

YouTube decides that homophobic harassment does not violate its policies