
Ajit Pai works to cap funding for rural and poor people, gets GOP backing

KLM Airlines wants to help build a more efficient jet with in-wing seating

New York State Is Pushing ‘One of the Strictest’ Privacy Bills in the Nation

30 Years Since Tiananmen Square: The State of Chinese Censorship and Digital Surveillance

YouTube decides that homophobic harassment does not violate its policies

Apple's Newest Luxury Product Is Privacy

Verizon avoided a decade’s worth of taxes—a new law could make it pay up - Proposed law targets Verizon, which didn't pay tax levied by New Jersey towns.

Hearing Today: EFF Staff Attorney Alex Moss Will Testify About Proposed Changes to Patent Law That Will Benefit Trolls, Foster Bad Patents

Bitcoin's Rally Masks Uncomfortable Fact: Almost Nobody Uses It

Firefox will begin blocking trackers by default

Wikipedia picture of the day on June 5, 2019: Church of Saint...