
Apple announces all-new redesigned Mac Pro, starting at $5,999

Due to Google's cloud outage, some Nest users couldn't unlock doors or use the AC

Why Is The US Government Letting Big Pharma Charge Insane Prices On Patents The US Owns?

US Companies Help Censor the Internet in China, Too

Video games aren't corrupting young minds — they may be building them: Video games are rarely addicting and they can help with social and intellectual development

'Death knell' for facial recognition as watchdog finds technology must 'significantly' improve policing - London mayor says technology must not 'cost our values as an open and free society'

This doctor is recruiting an army of medical experts to drown out fake health news on Instagram and Twitter

Encrypted messages are under attack: The German Ministry of the Interior wants to force WhatsApp, Threema and Apple to decrypt encrypted messages. But a backdoor for the "good guys" only is impossible.

Assange won’t face charges over role in devastating CIA leak

Twitter apologized for suspending accounts of Chinese government critics ahead of Tiananmen Square anniversary

AI doesn't just beat humans in Quake III, it's more cooperative, too