
An attempt to make Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg step down as the company's chairman has failed.

Apple is shutting down iTunes

Twitter takes down ‘a large number’ of Chinese-language accounts ahead of Tiananmen Square anniversary

Apple, Google, Microsoft, WhatsApp sign open letter condemning GCHQ proposal to listen in on encrypted chats

Uber to ban riders with low ratings

The decline of trust in science “terrifies” former MIT president Susan Hockfield: If we don’t trust scientists to be experts in their fields, “we have no way of making it into the future.”

DOJ preparing antitrust probe of Google - Dow Jones

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

California is cracking down on the gig economy: The state Assembly just passed a bill that could give Uber and Lyft drivers basic labor protections for the first time.

How much Google contractors say they get paid compared to full-time employees - We use Glassdoor data to take a look at the opaque world of Google contractor treatment and pay.

The end of an era: Friday is the last day you can use BlackBerry Messenger