
How much Google contractors say they get paid compared to full-time employees - We use Glassdoor data to take a look at the opaque world of Google contractor treatment and pay.

The end of an era: Friday is the last day you can use BlackBerry Messenger

Dell releases more high-end Ubuntu Linux laptops

Internet Providers in Maine Will Soon Have To Get Consent Before Selling Customer Data

Elon Musk’s SpaceX is now worth more than Tesla

‘Robots’ Are Not 'Coming for Your Job'—Management Is

Russian military moves closer to replacing Windows with Astra Linux

Facebook reportedly thinks there's no 'expectation of privacy' on social media. The social network wants to dismiss a lawsuit stemming from the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

The Supreme Court Just Made It Easier for Police to Arrest You for Filming Them

Apple Will Likely End iTunes, to the Relief of Everyone

Google Struggles to Justify Why It's Restricting Ad Blockers in Chrome - Google says the changes will improve performance and security. Ad block developers and consumer advocates say Google is simply protecting its ad dominance.