
Wikipedia picture of the day on June 1, 2019: Petrol is sold by...

North Face apologizes after openly gloating about gaming Wikipedia for free advertising

Facebook’s shareholder meeting was a sad display of impotent groveling, and it’s the future in store for many other investors

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

UK in two-week coal-free record: The UK has not used coal to generate electricity for two weeks - the longest period since the 1880s.

Russia Deployed Its Trolls to Cover Up the Murder of 298 People on MH17

Huawei reportedly orders employees to cancel US meetings. Americans working in its China headquarters were sent home, the Financial Times reported.

The Collapsing Crime Rates of the ’90s Might Have Been Driven by Cellphones

AT&T Sues California to Prevent Oversight Over IP Based 911 Calls Using State Law AT&T Supported and Wants Renewed

Facebook will never strip away Mark Zuckerberg’s power - When it comes to Facebook shareholders, Zuckerberg’s vote is the only one that matters.

Sorry, FCC—killing net neutrality probably didn’t expand internet access: FCC chairman Ajit Pai had claimed that rosy broadband numbers showed his deregulation approach was working.