
Atomically thin material could cut need for transistors in half - It can do AND or OR logic in a single transistor, switch states using light.

Forget Mueller: Our pants are still down on election security, and Facebook can't save us

Japan bombed an asteroid and now it's preparing to collect the debris

Google Maps adds ability to see speed limits and speed traps in 40+ countries

Google still plans to kill Chrome's existing adblock APIs

IBM Sells Face Recognition Surveillance to a Dictatorship

IEEE bans Huawei Scientists reviewing papers

Mark Zuckerberg May Face Contempt Charge After Ignoring Subpoena

Chevron executive is secretly pushing anti-electric car effort in Arizona

DIY Facial Recognition for Porn Is a Dystopian Disaster - Someone is making dubious claims to have built a program for detecting faces in porn and cross-referencing against social media, with 100,000 identified so far.

Government Prosecutor Caught Sending Emails With Tracking Software To Reporters And Defense Attorneys