
New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Nuclear power decline ‘would lead to increased emissions’: IEA

Mark Zuckerberg Will Be Served a Summons If He Sets Foot In Canada - The Facebook founder and CEO Sheryl Sandberg snubbed international lawmakers, again, at a committee hearing in Canada on Tuesday.

Global angst over plastic waste spurs Japan to act on packaging

Report Says EU ISPs Are Happily Ignoring Net Neutrality Rules

Apple exec dismisses Google CEO’s criticism over turning privacy into a ‘luxury good’

What Tumblr’s Ban on 'Adult Content' Actually Did

Malware designed to steal money from banks grew 60% in Q1

Google’s Shadow Work Force: Temps Who Outnumber Full-Time Employees

An original Apple I in a briefcase just sold for nearly $500k

Mark Zuckerberg to Ignore Canadian Parliament's Subpoena, Maybe Get Found in Contempt