
The most sustainable phone is the one you already own

Huawei’s Yearslong Rise Is Littered With Accusations of Theft and Dubious Ethics

Snapchat Employees Reportedly Spied on Private Snaps

First American Financial exposed 16 years’ worth of mortgage paperwork, including bank accounts

What has the web become?

100% renewables doesn’t equal zero-carbon energy, and the difference is growing

Using AI to predict breast cancer and personalize care - MIT/MGH's image-based deep learning model can predict breast cancer up to five years in advance.

47 House Democrats sign criticized net neutrality working group letter

Microsoft Pulls Huawei Server Products, Laptop Following US Ban

Britons dump Huawei phones as US-China trade war sparks retail backlash

Distorted Nancy Pelosi videos show platforms aren’t ready to fight dirty campaign tricks - YouTube removed the video, Facebook de-ranked it, and Twitter let it stand