
Trump’s social media bias reporting project is a data collection tool in disguise

Musk says Starlink “economically viable” with around 1,000 satellites

Google’s Translatotron converts one spoken language to another, no text involved

The next Uber will come from the $1.2 trillion global truck and shipping industry.

Wikipedia picture of the day on May 17, 2019: Martinus Rørbye,...

California: Speak Out for the Right to Take Companies That Violate Your Privacy to Court

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Canada Plans 'Meaningful Financial Consequences' for Tech Companies That Spread Disinformation - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the planned "digital charter" to tackle online extremism, disinformation, and transparency, on Thursday.

Global investment in coal tumbles by 75% in three years, as lenders lose appetite for fossil fuel

FCC Wants Phone Companies To Start Blocking Robocalls By Default

The NYPD uses altered images in its facial recognition system, new documents show