
Instagram blocks vaccine hoax hashtags

The Uber strike should worry investors and the company because it points to a fundamental problem with its business model

Over 275 Million Records Exposed by Unsecured MongoDB Database

India orders anti-trust probe of Google for alleged Android abuse

Neuralink is planning a $51 million funding round as it tries to link human brains to computers

Transparent Solar Panels will turn Windows into Green Energy Collectors

Jeff Bezos Is a Post-Earth Capitalist - Bezos admits that the limitless growth that made him the world's richest man is incompatible with a habitable Earth.

Ultra-secure virtual money capable of transfer across the Solar System proposed by University of Cambridge researcher

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Google Confirms It Will Stop Tracking Users -- What's The Catch?

New Facebook Lawsuit Suggests 'Another Cambridge Analytica' Has Come To Light