
Scientists discover a game-changing way to remove salt from water: The technology could have massive implications for the future of our drinking water.

Britain stops burning coal for power, for more than five days

Google says its AI can spot lung cancer a year before doctors

Kiwi Browser removed from Play Store due to YouTube background playback

Elon Musk & Jeff Bezos Can Save American Households $30+ Billion with LEO Satellites

Cray, AMD to build 1.5 exaflops supercomputer for US government. System will mix Epyc CPUs and Radeon Instinct GPUs.

Google's Sundar Pichai says privacy can't be a 'luxury good' - "Privacy cannot be a luxury good offered only to people who can afford to buy premium products and services. Privacy must be equally available to everyone in the world."

Facial recognition wrongly identifies public as potential criminals 96% of time, figures reveal

'They treat us like crap': Uber drivers feel poor and powerless on eve of IPO

Cartoon Network Hacked Worldwide to Show Brazilian Stripper Videos

Charter squeezes more money out of Internet users with new cancellation policy. No more prorated final bills: Charter/Spectrum makes it more expensive to cancel.