
Wikipedia picture of the day on May 4, 2019: The main office...

Researchers find Twitter is good for amplifying lies

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

A Mysterious Hacker Group Is On a Supply Chain Hijacking Spree

Putin signs “Internet sovereignty” bill that expands censorship - Bill mandates Internet filtering and creates a Russian version of DNS.

Pornhub wants to buy Tumblr and restore site to former porn-filled glory

FCC Presses AT&T Over Disturbing Location Privacy Policies

ACLU: Border Agents Violate Constitution When They Search Electronic Devices

A man who accidentally swallowed his AirPod found that it still worked after passing through his digestive system: 'The battery was still at 41%'

Alex Jones was banned from Facebook, but an hour later he was back on Facebook livestreaming

An Apple lobbyist just sneakily pushed California to postpone its right-to-repair bill