
A Mysterious Hacker Group Is On a Supply Chain Hijacking Spree

Putin signs “Internet sovereignty” bill that expands censorship - Bill mandates Internet filtering and creates a Russian version of DNS.

Pornhub wants to buy Tumblr and restore site to former porn-filled glory

FCC Presses AT&T Over Disturbing Location Privacy Policies

ACLU: Border Agents Violate Constitution When They Search Electronic Devices

A man who accidentally swallowed his AirPod found that it still worked after passing through his digestive system: 'The battery was still at 41%'

Alex Jones was banned from Facebook, but an hour later he was back on Facebook livestreaming

An Apple lobbyist just sneakily pushed California to postpone its right-to-repair bill

The Doorbell Company That’s Selling Fear: Amazon-owned firm is hiring editors to push local crime news to its users

Chinese developer arrested after compromising every single drone by 'accidentally' posting DJI’s private keys on Github

Facebook bans Alex Jones and Laura Loomer for violating its policies