
CRISPR used to create antidote to the world's most venomous animal

“Sinema is Corrupt!” Activists unleash crowdfunded billboard calling out Arizona senator for helping Big Telecom kill net neutrality

Facebook could have nearly 5 billion dead users by 2100, research claims

Alphabet had more than $70 billion in market cap wiped out, and it says YouTube is one of the problems

Phone and laptop searches at US border 'quadruple'

Wikipedia picture of the day on May 2, 2019: Church of Our Lady...

Apple allegedly lobbied against another right to repair bill citing consumer safety concerns

The Trump administration is going to start DNA testing families at the border.

At Long Last, NSA Finally Recommends Its Bulk Phone Collection Program Be Put Out Of Its Misery

Facebook knows everywhere you go — here’s how to stop it from tracking you

DuckDuckGo wrote a bill to stop advertisers from tracking you online