
Popular Apps In Google's Play Store Are Abusing Permissions And Committing Ad Fraud

FCC approves SpaceX’s plans to fly internet-beaming satellites in a lower orbit

Russia’s great firewall: is it meant to keep information in – or out?

China targets nuclear fusion power generation by 2040

The sim swap the US isn’t using - Foreign phone carriers share data to stop SIM swap fraud; US carriers drag their feet.

If Facebook wants our trust, Mark Zuckerberg must resign

As measles returns, Indiegogo joins other tech platforms in banning Anti-Vaccine campaigns

Apple Cracks Down on Apps That Fight iPhone Addiction

Technology cuts children off from adults, warns expert

Cheap Cameras Might Be Just as Good as Lidar New Study Shows - Elon Musk might have just been proven right by Cornell University.

Wife-tracking apps are one sign of Saudi Arabia’s vile regime. Others include crucifixion