
UK Ethics committee raises alarm over 'predictive policing' tool - Algorithm that predicts who will reoffend may give rise to ethical concerns such as bias

Big Tech feels the heat as US moves to protect consumer data

Mozilla plans to enable Hyperlink Ping Tracking by Default in Firefox

Elon Musk’s Boring Company Inches Closer to Making Hyperloop a Reality

Detecting Russian Bots on Reddit using Machine Learning

Wikipedia picture of the day on April 21, 2019: Mountain gorilla...

Scientists fired from cancer centre after being accused of 'stealing research for China.'

Defense against the Darknet, or how to accessorize to defeat video surveillance. Boffins from Belgium break people recognition software with a colorful placard

Hands off Brock! EFF pleads with Google not to kill its Privacy Badger with its Manifest destiny

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Fake reviews: How the Facebook 'factories' are still ripping us off