
You can now download the source code for all Infocom text adventure classics - Yes, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Zork are both included.

Microsoft loses control over Windows Tiles subdomain

Multiple Reviewers Facing Broken Galaxy Fold Devices After Just Days of Use

Google Fiber to pay nearly $4 million to Louisville in exit deal

Facebook 'unintentionally uploaded' email contacts from 1.5M users

Thousands of usable iPhones trashed by one Colorado firm because well-meaning donors forgot to turn off “Find my iPhone”

Google accused of sabotaging Firefox, again. Google had intentionally slowed down the YouTube loading performance of Firefox and Edge. Google “switched to using a JavaScript library for YouTube that they knew wasn’t supported by Firefox,”

Student used ‘USB Killer’ device to destroy $58,000 worth of college computers

Utah Bans Police From Searching Digital Data Without A Warrant, Closes Fourth Amendment Loophole

UK porn block will begin on July 15 - and Brits will be forced to hand over ID

My Samsung Galaxy Fold screen broke after just a day