
Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp are down for users around the world - The Verge

Google Assistant has been recording my voice since 2014, here’s how I deleted everything I’ve asked it

The Russians are screwing with the GPS system to send bogus navigation data to thousands of ships

FCC “consumer advisory” panel includes ALEC, big foe of municipal broadband: Pai brings ALEC to FCC despite AT&T and Verizon quitting the controversial group.

Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram down due to technical issue

MIT Researcher Exposing Bias in Facial Recognition Tech Triggers Amazon’s Wrath

Hacker group posts hundreds of law officer records

If you are against Facial Recognition technology in the hands of the government, call your broker and ask them to vote FOR on the Amazon Ban for Rekognition to be sold to the Government.

Law enforcement taps Google's Sensorvault for location data, report says

Tracking Phones, Google Is a Dragnet for the Police

Are You Afraid of Google? BlackBerry Cofounder Jim Balsillie Says You Should Be