
Facebook investors launch desperate bid to oust Mark Zuckerberg

Bill Introduced to Protect the Privacy Rights of Americans

Big Tech Lobbying Gutted a Bill That Would Ban Recording You Without Consent

Hackers publish personal data on thousands of US police officers and federal agents

The case against Julian Assange is serious — but smaller and shakier than some people feared

Online trolls are harassing a scientist who helped take the first picture of a black hole

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

What Will Happen When Governments Disagree Over Who Is A Terrorist Organization... And Who Needs To Be Blocked Online?

B.C. introduces law to require cars, trucks sold by 2040 be zero emission - Legislation aims to phase out gas-powered vehicles

Hackers publish personal data on thousands of US federal agents

FCC “consumer advisory” panel includes ALEC, big foe of municipal broadband