
New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Microsoft played key role in stopping “Right to Repair” in Washington - A state representative sheds some light on how tech companies blocked the popular measure

Uber made a startling admission: It may never be profitable. The warning serves as a chilling reminder of the dotcom crash.

Apple's Absurd iPhone Repair Charges Inadvertently Exposed By Rival

Right to Repair Is a Free Market Issue

Facebook Showed Me My Data Is Everywhere And I Have Absolutely No Control Over It - A transparency tool on Facebook inadvertently provides a window into the confusing maze of companies you’ve never heard of who appear to have your data.

Puerto Rico Joins Push to Banish Fossil Fuel From Power Grids

Poll shows 50% of Australians support shifting all sales of new cars to electric vehicles by 2025

Fintech fiddles as home burns: 97% of apps lack basic security

California’s Attorney General Wants to Empower People to Protect Their Privacy. Sacramento Legislators Should Listen.

Uber, Losing $1.8 Billion a Year, Reveals I.P.O. Filing