
House approves Save the Internet Act that would reinstate net neutrality

Millions watch as House votes to restore net neutrality

Microsoft Abandons Windows 10’s Forced Updates

Twitter removes Trump’s video featuring music from The Dark Knight for copyright infringement

China Considers Ban On Cryptocurrency Mining Because It's A Stupid Waste Of Energy

Amazon and 8 South American countries have been battling over who gets to use the '.amazon' domain for 7 years [Business Insider]

Senators Introduce Bill That Would Ban Websites From Using Manipulative Consent Forms

Racist and anti-Semitic comments flooded YouTube livestream of congressional hearing on white nationalism

Man who made millions blackmailing porn users jailed | Tech News

Mitch McConnell: Democrats' Net neutrality bill is 'dead on arrival' in Senate

McConnell: Net neutrality bill 'dead on arrival' in Senate