
Amazon and 8 South American countries have been battling over who gets to use the '.amazon' domain for 7 years [Business Insider]

Senators Introduce Bill That Would Ban Websites From Using Manipulative Consent Forms

Racist and anti-Semitic comments flooded YouTube livestream of congressional hearing on white nationalism

Man who made millions blackmailing porn users jailed | Tech News

Mitch McConnell: Democrats' Net neutrality bill is 'dead on arrival' in Senate

McConnell: Net neutrality bill 'dead on arrival' in Senate

Microsoft has removed or replaced more than 50 of Google’s services that come as part of Chromium so its Chromium-based Edge browser performs better than even Google’s own Chrome browser on Windows 10

Feds break up $1.2B Medicare orthopedic brace scam

Democratic Candidate Andrew Yang Proposes New Policy to Create Updated Quantum-Resistant Encryption Standards and Generally Invest in Quantum Computing

Senate Republican leader calls net neutrality bill 'dead on arrival'

Microsoft: FCC massively overstating how many Americans have broadband access