
McConnell: Net neutrality bill 'dead on arrival' in Senate

Microsoft has removed or replaced more than 50 of Google’s services that come as part of Chromium so its Chromium-based Edge browser performs better than even Google’s own Chrome browser on Windows 10

Feds break up $1.2B Medicare orthopedic brace scam

Democratic Candidate Andrew Yang Proposes New Policy to Create Updated Quantum-Resistant Encryption Standards and Generally Invest in Quantum Computing

Senate Republican leader calls net neutrality bill 'dead on arrival'

Microsoft: FCC massively overstating how many Americans have broadband access

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

Chicago is Tracking Kids With GPS Monitors That Can Call and Record Them Without Consent

Facebook still tracks you after you deactivate account. Deactivation does nothing for your privacy.

Congress Is About to Ban the Government From Offering Free Online Tax Filing. Thank TurboTax.

Microsoft says its data shows FCC reports massively overstate broadband adoption