
Machine learning is making pesto even more delicious - Researchers at MIT have used AI to improve the flavor of basil. It’s part of a trend that is seeing artificial intelligence revolutionize farming.

Your Tesla can now change lanes without asking permission - Autopilot is feeling more and more like the future

Ex-Mozilla CTO: US border cops demanded I unlock my phone, laptop at SF airport – and I'm an American citizen - Techie says he was grilled for three hours after refusing to let agents search his devices

Internet Archive uploads 1.3 Terabytes of lost MySpace music

Millions of Facebook Records Found on Amazon S3 Buckets

Huawei laptop 'backdoor' flaw raises concerns

Ethiopian Air pilots turned off 737 MAX anti-stall system. Then it turned on again

Net Neutrality Bill Passes Crucial Committee Vote

HAPPENING NOW: A key House committee is voting on net neutrality

Linus Torvalds says Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are 'a disease'

One of the world's most important programmers, Linus Torvalds, says Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are 'a disease'