
Wikipedia picture of the day on April 4, 2019: A Tapirapé mask.

Judge orders Fairfax police to stop collecting data from license plate readers

Home DNA kit company asks you to upload your family tree for the FBI - no consent required from family members impacted by your decision, of course.

Linus Torvalds: People take me much too seriously, I can't say stupid crap anymore

Elizabeth Warren introduces bill that could hold tech execs responsible for data breaches

Net Neutrality Bill to Be Marked Up This Week - Would restore Title II and Wheeler-era rules

Facebook Caught Asking Some Users Passwords for Their Email Accounts

Facebook caught asking users for the passwords for their email accounts.

Revealed: Amazon employees are left to suffer after workplace injuries - Amazon made its CEO is the wealthiest person in the world. So why can’t the company care for those injured while working there?

Ex-Mozilla CTO: I was grilled for three hours at San Francisco airport by US border cops – and I'm an American citizen

A woman arrested at Mar-a-Lago was carrying four smartphones, two passports and malware She said she was going to the pool.