
Wikipedia picture of the day on April 1, 2019: Male Abyssinian...

HUD Sues Facebook Over Housing Discrimination and Says the Company’s Algorithms Have Made the Problem Worse — ProPublica

Popup enlarges at the last second so users click on ads instead of 'Close' button

Warning: EU’s Draconian Internet Laws Likely to Impact US

New video by The King of Random on YouTube

A $5,000 Bell bill? Parents share 'appalling' stories of runaway wireless charges | CBC News

Senate re-introduces bill to help advanced nuclear technology

Sarah Leamon: For the good of the planet, we all need a legal right to repair our damaged cellphones

Facebook Used the Philippines to Test Free Internet. Then a Dictator Was Elected.

YouTube Makes Up 37% of Mobile Web Traffic Worldwide

Sony to slash smartphone workforce 50% by 2020