
New video by The King of Random on YouTube

A $5,000 Bell bill? Parents share 'appalling' stories of runaway wireless charges | CBC News

Senate re-introduces bill to help advanced nuclear technology

Sarah Leamon: For the good of the planet, we all need a legal right to repair our damaged cellphones

Facebook Used the Philippines to Test Free Internet. Then a Dictator Was Elected.

YouTube Makes Up 37% of Mobile Web Traffic Worldwide

Sony to slash smartphone workforce 50% by 2020

Australia plans tough laws for social media sites that don't take down violent content - Jail terms and hefty fines will be proposed, which could be the first legislation of its kind in the world

Facebook Chief Mark Zuckerberg Wants More Internet Regulation

Mark Zuckerberg asks governments to help control internet content

Laptops to Stay in Bags as TSA Brings New Technology to Airports