
Hackers Hijacked ASUS Software Updates to Install Backdoors on Thousands of Computers

The U.S. Desperately Needs a “Fiber for All” Plan

'Coal is on the way out': study finds fossil fuel now pricier than solar or wind - Around 75% of coal production is more expensive than renewables, with industry out-competed on cost by 2025

With DaaS Windows Coming, Say Goodbye To Your PC As You Know It - Slashdot

Uber closes in on $3bn takeover of Middle East rival Careem

Neo-Nazi groups allowed to stay on Facebook because they ‘do not violate community standards’

Ad scams on Android are draining your battery and making scammers rich

HMD admits the Nokia 7 Plus was sending personal data to China

Protesters rally against EU internet copyright reform

Protesters in Germany rally against EU internet copyright reform

Even Huawei’s CFO wouldn't carry Huawei products, opting for Apple instead